Attending International Meetings
JMC researchers attend the following international conferences and has outstanding professors participate in those conferences as a part of the Japanese delegation.
- IMO Legal Committee
- IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee
- IOPC Funds meetings

JMC holds JMC Standing Committees under the Research Group on Shipping Issues before the international conferences Various issues raised in the conferences are discussed among the members of the Committee, including representatives of industries, public officers and academia. The members also include the professors and the researchers to attend the international conferences. Some professors have contributed to discussion in the international conferences, serving as a chair or a vice chair.

Visits to international organizations and exchange of information
On September 15, 2022, Chairperson Masafumi Shukuri (Mr.) visited IMO with Senior Researcher Setsuo Nomura (Mr.) and met Secretary-General Kitack Lim (Mr.). Mr. Shukuri introduced the Japan Maritime Center (JMC)'s activities

Presentation at International Seminar
On September 1st, senior researcher of JMC, Mr. Seijiro Morimoto, has made a presentation at Latin America-Japan Hydrogen Workshop 2022 held by the Institute of Energy Economics Japan (IEEJ) to address prospects and challenges of market-based measures for international shipping.
Partnerships with WMU etc.
JMC has concluded an agreement for cooperation of research and study with the World Maritime University in Malmö. Under the agreement, JMC will collaborate and interact with professors and experts of the WMU on its study, build up an international information network in addition to domestic one in the maritime community and refine its research skills and methods.
- JMC makes research about maritime transport and logistics abroad and exchange of information and views about them, actively collaborating with universities, think tanks, and research institutes etc.
in Japan. - JMC promotes understanding of younger generation, forging future of Japan, about maritime and shipping policies.

(September 2022)
On April 14th, 2023, our Chairman Masafumi Shukuri (Mr.) visited WMU in Malmo City, Sweden, with Senior Researcher Setsuo Nomura (Mr.). He exchanged views on recent topics in the field of maritime and ocean with President Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry (Dr.), Vice-President Shu Ma (Dr.), next President Max Mejia (Dr.) and Prof. Momoko Kitada (Dr.). Both parties agreed to go ahead with collaborative activities and signed the partnership agreement for another five years.